Business School Worldwide Alumni Club Event


Please join us on for our Worldwide Alumni Club Event (WACE) featuring special guest, 
William Duggan, senior lecturer in Business Management, Columbia Business School


Presented by the Columbia Business School Alumni Club of Northern New Jersey +
Columbia University Club of New Jersey.

Alumni clubs from around the world will host WACE events in September to celebrate our dynamic alumni community.


Columbia Business School alumni and guests are invited to join us at Words Bookstore in Maplewood for a special networking reception with featured special guest speaker, Professor William Duggan.

We will be serving great Wine & Beer along with some delicious Appetizers.

Professor_William_Duggan.jpgProfessor Duggan will be speaking about his book, The Seventh Sense: How Flashes of Insight Change Your Life. 

Book Overview:
The Seventh Sense: How Flashes of Insight Change Your Life (Columbia Business School Publishing)
Flashes of insight―the "Eureka!" moments that produce new and useful ideas in a single thought―are behind some of the world's most creative and practical innovations. This book shows how to cultivate more and better flashes of insight by harnessing the science and practice of the "seventh sense."  Drawing from psychology, neuroscience, Asian philosophy, and military strategy, William Duggan illustrates the power of the seventh sense to help readers aspire to and achieve more in their personal and professional lives. His examples include Gandhi, Joan of Arc, Starbucks founder Howard Shultz, and executives and students he has taught in his classes. His book presents specific steps in the form of three practical tools to help prepare the mind, see and seize opportunity, and follow through on one's resolution. Based on Duggan's perennially popular Columbia Business School course, this book teaches the mental skills and discipline that power the seventh sense.

Professor Duggan's Bio:
William Duggan is the author of three recent books on innovation: Strategic Intuition: The Creative Spark in Human Achievement (2007); Creative Strategy: A Guide for Innovation (2012); and The Seventh Sense: How Flashes of Insight Change Your Life (2015).  In 2007 the journal Strategy+Business named Strategic Intuition “Best Strategy Book of the Year.” He has BA, MA and PhD degrees from Columbia University, and twenty years of experience as a strategy advisor and consultant. Professor Duggan teaches innovation in three venues at Columbia Business School: MBA and Executive MBA courses, and Executive Education sessions. In 2014 he won the Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence. He has given talks and workshops on innovation to thousands of executives from companies in countries around the world. 


September 28, 2016 at 7:00pm - 9pm

[words] Bookstore

179 Maplewood Ave
Maplewood, NJ 07040
United States

Jonah Zimiles

Nidal Alley Sonia Kumar Diane Brescher Jason DeLuca

Will you come?

$20.00 CBS WACE EVENT - DAY OF EVENT + @ THE DOOR TICKET Lecture + Networking + Beer & Wine + Light Bites
$10.00 CBS WACE EVENT - ADVANCE TICKET Lecture + Networking + Beer & Wine + Light Bites